Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Don't be mad... this post has nothing to do with Superbad - that was just in my head.  Anyways...

Awww shoot dang yall!  Sorry its been a long time since my last post.  I'm just gonna come out and say it - blogging in the summer time is hard. 

I've been cross-training at work which has left my brain feeling like a stinkin' scrambled egg.  I've had birthday parties, wedding planning, a super awesome Chicago trip, family stuff, etc..etc...

I know, I know, not a good enough excuse to neglect my blog but hey, a girl can only do so much.  I HAVE however, been keeping up on all of you whether you know it or not.  However, I do good to do just that so I usually have to jump from that into something else that demands my attention before I can even think of commenting. 

I know some of you have been getting your Twilight on, some of you have been making your healthy living your goals and some of you have been slapped by summer festivities like myself. 

Whats my point here?  Seriously....  I guess I'm just saying don't give up on me.  I still love this little land we call blogging and think of things to blog about a hundred times a day.  But I guess for one of the first times in my life I'm busy living rather than writing about living so for that I'm grateful.  I've also felt comfortable on the sidelines and after some situations that forced me into the spotlight of my own life I've been dabbling more in more in playing an active role in my life rather than thinking/writing.  But you can't take the writer out of the girl so keep your eyes peeled for my random and sporadic posts until life slows down long enough for me to step off the ride, write a little ditty and jump back on. 

Thanks to those of you who opened this and didn't just bypass it thinking ---- psshht... that chick never writes.  I APPRECIATE you :) 

I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July and that you didn't scorch yourself playing with fireworks.  Stay cool.  (That's right, we go yearbook style around here once in awhile.)  Later :)