Tuesday, May 19, 2009


*Insert long...drawn out sigh*

Finally - my own little piece of scratch paper. Welcome! I hope you find my tiny corner of the blogging world to be a comfortable place - the kind you can grab a good book, a cup of green tea and snuggle up in. The kind of place that you leave feeling if not enlightened (lets not get ahead of ourselves) then at least amused (ahh that's more like it). And I was just kidding about grabbing a good book... unless you can read two things at once.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Miranda. I wish I could sum up all that I am, stand for, believe in, love and hate all in one clever sentence but then what would be the purpose of this blog? I can tell you that carefully piecing together words and sentences to express myself is something that has always pumped through my veins like a ferocious current. Its cost me loss, its brought me better understandings of myself and helped me sort out a great many things. I sometimes say things the way I would write them and then lose all sense of purpose before finding myself in a rambling, disorganized mess of words. Sometimes when communicating verbally I'd like to sigh, throw up my hands and mutter "Oh hell, just give me pen and I'll explaaaiiinnn!"

I have radio station A.D.D., non-pregnant woman pregnancy cravings, an absurd knack for over-analyzing the words and actions of others, the insane tendency to say things I don't mean (or do I?) when I stay up too late (think emotional drunk without the alcohol) among many other things that I will share as they pour out of me.

Thank you again for stopping by. Please come again if you are so inclined! Have a fabulous day!