Monday, September 21, 2009


I was just thinking about how there is never enough of so many things in my life. I wonder if I will ever be happy with exactly what I have and if there is some super-thought-process to build contentment. So I'm going to try a little self-experiment. I'm going to take my compulsive list-making to new heights. I'm going to make a list of all the things that are never enough - then do my best to work through that list and deal with each individual aspect of my life thats represented, trying to build contentment or address the cause of why I feel the way I do.

*There's never enough nice things said by my husband
*There's never enough romance in my marriage
*There's never enough positivity at work
*There's never enough appreciation
*There's never enough work done on my part... always something to add to the to-dos
*There's never enough money
*There's never enough time
*There's never enough sleep
*There's never enough respect
*There's never enough understanding
*There's never enough nerve

Thats all for now... call it complaining but sometimes those things happen to hit me all at once leaving me wallowing in a pool of self pity. I'm hoping that by working on each thing one by one I can accomplish a higher level of happiness. Wish me luck!